Loan Management

Zenith Global specialises in loan management, both securitized and received by banks and finance companies outside a securitisation. A specific focus of the service is made of collateralised personal Salary-assignment Loans (“Cessioni del Quinto dello Stipendio“) and Payment Delegation, consumer loans and credit cards; with a business unit in Rome with appropriate IT systems and dedicated human resources, Zenith can offer a range of management and back-office services.

In particular, the services include both the preliminary phase and the “post-sale” activities:

  • Management Services: reconciliation and cash management, insurance claims management, collection
  • Technical – Legal Services: contracts and agreements, forms
  • Administrative Services: administration, regulatory compliance
  • IT Services: outsourcing the management system, complete provision of the IT system
  • Client satisfaction
  • Monitoring the sales network

Zenith is therefore able to manage securitised and non securitised receivables, with reference to collection, reconciliation, enforcement actions and reporting.

Considering its qualification as a financial intermediary with a rating “Strong”, the management services offered by Zenith are characterised by an exceptionally high quality standard in terms of accuracy and reliability.