Regulatory Activities

Zenith Global takes care of all the regulatory activities for both SPVs and banks & finance companies registered pursuant to Article 106 of the Italian Banking Act.

  • Centrale Rischi Reporting: monthly reporting to the Bank of Italy’s “Centrale Rischi” which includes:
    –    Formal and consistency check of information
    –    Management of messages to and from Bank of Italy
    –    Analysis of the return data flow from Centrale Rischi
    –    Statistical reporting on the traffic generated
    –    Direct access to the National Interbank Network
  • Vigilance Reporting: sending the data flow required of banks and finance companies to the Bank of Italy
  • Management and maintenance of the Centralized IT Archive
  • Anti-usury reporting: sending reports to the Bank of Italy
  • Opening and managing a Certified Electronic Mailbox for communications to and from the Tax Office for the purposes of financial investigations
  • Anagrafe dei Rapporti (Financial Relationship Archive): sending the Tax Office the identifying information on the various financial counterparties, the nature and type of relationships existing with them and data on all cash and check transactions (extraconto) and proxies
  • Statistical reports: sending quarterly reports on the SPV’s flow required by the Bank of Italy
  • Reporting to the European Central Bank (ECB): preparation and submission of reporting on behalf of the SPVs, according to the ECB’s standards
  • ESMA reporting: preparation and issuance of the reporting under the EU regulation 2017/2402


The chart below shows the volumes of the Centrale Rischi reporting (€ 52.3 billions as of june 30, 2021)