Structuring and additional services

Zenith Global provides Arrangement services, supporting and advising the Originator and the Investor in structuring the whole securitisation, taking care of the organizational, legal, tax and financial aspects of the transaction.

Since 2012 Zenith has been involved in the Leasing sector, structuring the Maxi-Securitisation (more than 1 billion euro) for two companies part of the Banca Popolare Emilia Romagna Group, in the role of Sole Arranger.

To support securitisation transactions, Zenith also performs complimentary activities such as:

  • Pool Audit: consisting of auditing a selected portion of the portfolio to be securitised, also in compliance with the European regulation for “Simple, Transparent and Standardised” Securitisations
  • Representative of the Noteholders (Trustee): consisting of monitoring the transaction, with particular reference to possible trigger events and the takeover of other counterparties to be communicated to the appropriate parties
  • Cash Manager: consisting of managing the company’s bank accounts. Zenith provides payment instructions on the appropriate payment dates and instructs the depository bank on how to invest available liquidity deposited in the bank accounts
  • Monitoring agent: coordination between the Special Servicer and the investors for the monitoring of the correct execution of the decisions taken by the latter